Teacher Google Classroom Codes
The Office of Superintendent Michael Prayor presents…
S u p e r i n t e n d e n t D i s t r i c t F a i r o f B r o o k l y n S o u t h
“Connecting Our Families District by District”
Monday, November 21, 2022
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Via ZOOM (Virtual)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 8905 9036
Passcode: 204211
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,92989059036#,,,,*204211# US (New York)
+16469313860,,92989059036#,,,,*204211# US
Come join us on the evening of November 21st and learn about the wonderful Brooklyn South high schools in Districts 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22!
We welcome and serve all students!
Easily match your child’s interests to one or more of the many programs, clubs, and afterschool activities offered at our Brooklyn South high schools!
Our Virtual Fair will offer you the convenience of visiting as many high schools as you want in Brooklyn South – all from your home!
************************************************************************************************************Famous landmarks/attractions of Brooklyn South: Canarsie Pier, Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Kings Plaza Shopping Mall, Marine Park, Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn Museum, Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Park, Kings Theatre, Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, L&B Spumoni Gardens, Medgar Evers College, Coney Island Amusement Park, Beach & Boardwalk, Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn Cyclones, Dyker Heights Christmas Lights, Jewish Children’s Museum, Brooklyn Terminal Market, Wyckoff House Museum - oldest house in NYC, Waterfront Dining along Emmons Avenue, Brooklyn College, Weeksville Heritage Center, Eastern Parkway, Kingsborough Community College, Di Fara Pizza, the Original Nathan’s Famous, and much much more!
Dear families,
We’re excited to host additional virtual events about high school admissions in New York City. All NYC families with eighth graders (as well as interested families of first-time ninth graders) are welcome and encouraged to attend. Each event is virtual—you can join from anywhere!
At each event, we’ll cover how to build a balanced high school application, how offers are made, how applicants will be evaluated for screened programs, and how to participate in the audition process for arts programs, including for LaGuardia High School. After the presentation, we will respond to your questions.
The content of each event is the same, but different interpretation services will be provided at different events, as follows:
November 9, 6pm to 7pm | Event held in English. Interpretation provided in: Bangla, Korean, Spanish
November 18, 3pm to 4pm | Event held in English. Interpretation provided in: Arabic, French, Russian
November 28, 6pm to 7pm | Event held in English. Interpretation provided in: Chinese (Mandarin), Haitian Creole, Urdu
How to join:
Join us on Zoom at the event’s start time by clicking here: https://bit.ly/2022FallHSEvents
IMPORTANT NOTE: Check your email or schools.nyc.gov/High the day before the event: we’ll send you a message that includes this same Zoom link and the password that you’ll need to join, as well as phone numbers to call for live interpretation in the provided languages.
Can’t attend, or want to learn more?
Visit schools.nyc.gov/High and schools.nyc.gov/SHS. A captioned recording will be posted on our website two weeks after the first event.
Dear 8TH Grade Families,
The High School Application is now open, and the deadline to apply is December 1, 2022. All current eighth grade students in NYC are welcome and encouraged to apply. Here’s how:
1. Log in to your MySchools.nyc account. You will use MySchools to explore High Schools, apply, and get your high school offer in the Spring 2023. Need help creating an account? Watch this tutorial.
2. Learn about High Schools and programs.
Search MySchools for programs based on interests, location, and more. Each program’s page includes how it makes offers and if you need to complete any additional steps, such as an audition. On our website, learn how to audition and how students will get offers to screened programs.
Visit schools of interest. Very soon, MySchools’ events calendar will be updated to include open house information for high schools.
Add 12 program choices to your child’s application in MySchools. List these choices in your true order of preference, with your top choice as #1.
**Please note that the nine Specialized High Schools use separate admissions processes; these schools will not show up as options on your high school application:
LaGuardia High School. Submit a separate LaGuardia application (in MySchools) and audition by December 1 to apply for any of the school’s six arts programs––learn how to audition.
Testing Specialized High Schools. Register by November 4 (online, through your school counselor, or through a Family Welcome Center) to take the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT), which determines admissions to the eight testing Specialized High Schools. Registered students will take the SHSAT on a scheduled date in November or December.
3. Apply by December 1! You can submit your high school application and/or LaGuardia application one of the following ways:
Online with MySchools
Through your child’s current school counselor or a Family Welcome Center.
Need support with your MySchools account, your child’s unique account creation code, or your Application?
Have other admissions questions? We’re here to help! Talk to your child’s school counselor or contact a Family Welcome Center.
Any questions, feel free to contact me via Email or Remind
Ms. Serio
Remind Code: @jserio2023